If you or an athlete at your race achieved a GOMU World Record, please download, fill out, and submit the form to start the ratification process.  See the example below.




Name ___________________________________________________ Male ____ Female _____

Address _______________________________________________________________________ 

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) _____________ Age ________ Nationality ___________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________ 


Name _____________________________________ Distance _________ Time _____________ 

Location __________________________________ Race Date(s) (dd/mm/yyyy) ____________ 


   Point to Point. ________ Out and Back ________ Single Loop ________ 

   Loop distance(s) _________________ (Metric or Imperial) Road __________ Track ________

   Course measured by ________________________________________ 

   Grade A or B certified course measurer?  _______________________

   Method used ______________________________________________

   National Body’s License number _____________________________

   Please send the certification document for the course and the credentials of the course measurer.



Name __________________________________________ Phone number ________________ 

Email address ________________________ Equipment used __________________________ 

Is there a redundant backup system? ________________________________

Signature ______________________________________________________ 

Please attach or link the results.


Record(s) claimed ________________________________________________ 

Result splits _____________________________________________________ 

For multi-lap courses, please provide a copy or link to the lap sheets.


Measure’s name ______________________________________________ 

Grade/level _____________________________

National Body’s License number __________________________________________________

Measurer’s signature ____________________________________________________________

Measured distance rounded down to nearest cm _______________________________________ 

Method of method and accuracy _______________________________________________


1) The course was accurately measured to Athletic standards for record purposes, and there is no reason to doubt that the above athlete ran the full course as measured. 

2) The time recorded for the athlete is accurate (the timing was correct, and there is no reason to doubt that the above time was correctly assigned to the above athlete) 

3) There is no reason to believe that the athlete was unfairly aided (e.g., pacing or assistance by a noncompetitor, illegal assistance from another competitor, etc.) 

4) In general, the times athletes competed in the race were consistent with their normal level of performance; therefore, there is nothing to suggest anything untoward about the race results in general. 

5) If the race director has any comments, concerns, or reservations in answering affirmatively to the above, please comment below.




Race Director’s Signature ______________________________________ 

Race Director (print) __________________________________________ 

Address ________________________________ Email ________________  Phone # ____________ 

Return by email to: 

GOMU Records Committee: bob.hearn at gmail.com and trishulcherns at gmail.com 

Committee Chair: Bob Hearn, member: Trishul Cherns